
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. Learning with Impartiality to Walk on the Pareto Frontier of Fairness, Privacy, and Utility
    Mohammad Yaghini, Patty Liu, Franziska Boenisch, and 1 more author
  2. Regulation Games for Trustworthy Machine Learning
    Mohammad Yaghini, Patty Liu, Franziska Boenisch, and 1 more author
  3. Fascicle-Selective Bidirectional Peripheral Nerve Interface IC with 173dB FOM Noise-Shaping SAR ADCs and 1.38pJ/b Frequency-Multiplying Current-Ripple Radio Transmitter
    Jianxiong Xu, José Sales Filho, Sudip Nag, and 14 more authors
    In 2023 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2023
  4. TBioCAS
    Fascicle-Selective Ultrasound-Powered Bidirectional Wireless Peripheral Nerve Interface IC.
    Jianxiong Xu, S Nag, L Long, and 8 more authors
    IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2023